With some Spring cleaning energy in my system I went furniture hunting today. Like I've said and shown before I have a very small apartment. I have kept previous couches in front of the apartment door and used the glass porch door as my main entrance in order to allow myself more flexibility.
Here is my latest solution: I was in need of something new to sit on. I like everything to be comfy and fell for a chaise lounge from a sectional that was for sale at a furniture outlet in town. The only two pieces left over from the set were the chaise - priced reasonably low - and the wedge, which was $25! What a steal! I felt that if it didn't fit through the door, or in my living room, I wouldn't cry about the financial loss. But now that they're here, they make up a little heavenly pillow cloud to cup me in the corner as I read or watch "The Jane Austen Book Club" on Lifetime. Basically anything but grade. But I should.
Hello everyone - I know it has been a long time since I have posted in this
neglected space, but I hope you will all head over to our new blog (where I
I can't quite believe it is year 12 of the annual attempt to survive
February by running, swimming, biking, and cooking your way through the
month. Like th...
A poem for the woman in the co-op fumbling for an avocado, and for the
right words. Stage 4, she says into the phone. “Now is the time to know
That all t...
(Perhaps this reposting will kick-start a resumption of blogging in 2024?
We’ll see!) In the United States, it’s not uncommon to hear Christmas music
I was moving some books around on my shelf and realized I have now
published just as many books via self-publishing as I did traditional
publishing. ...
This chest of drawers is to replace the cheap stand (with no storage) that
was previously holding up our parrot's travel cage. She only lives with us
a few...
i used to make really excellent gift guides, if i do say so myself. so i am
putting together an ad-hoc list of online things that are just nice, and if
Hey friends and happy weekend! Hope your start to December is going well.
Just popping in here on the old blog to catch up with any followers that
are ...
I went to my cousin Kristin's parent's house in Portland, TN (45 minutes
North of Nashville) to celebrate her birthday and feast on some of her
mother's (...
Don't know if anyone is hanging around here anymore? If you do, this blog
isn't being updated anymore as I have moved to www.sandrajuto.co - where I
Did you know that cigarettes are toxic? It is true, you are directly
inhaling carcinogens when you smoke cigarettes. And if you would like a
healthier way ...
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