Saturday, March 13, 2010

Sometimes Time flies

I haven't written in a long time. Sorry.

I'm in my last semester as a grad student at WVU and working three jobs. While applying for a real job/career post-graduation in early May I've had very little time for being crafty. Christmas I was snowed in and didn't get home until days after I had planned to leave, but we created a makeshift tree from the dressform nicknamed BB and my green apron. One string of holiday lights and we were set - what's more "in the spirit" than this?And it's "green" too! No need to store a big artificial tree or chop one down. It's a space saver (esp. in my small apartment) to think outside the box.Recently I decided that, since I'm going to have to move soon and I don't know where or when, I'd like to complete some of my potential projects that I have lying around. This way I don't end up moving two huge boxes of corks and an empty frame, but instead move a corkboard. It only took two nights and felt very worth it. I had been thinking about it forever, and in a world where I have no idea what's coming next it is nice to have something I could control for once.This isn't the best photo, maybe I'll replace it later, but you can probably tell it's a bit large. I used it to hide a box of guinea pig snacks that is underneath a low lying corner table for a while. It was nice on the floor. I'm trying it out over the sink for now, but since I'll be boxing everything up in a month it's probably best not to make new holes in the wall. I think the dark frame looks nice around those light corks.

Any suggestions for what I ought to do if no jobs come through before my lease it up? I'd love a house boat or a neat Airstream <3

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