For those of you who don't know about "bonding" between small animals, here's a story for you.
I had Lacey sleep alone last night and half of the day today in a hyper-clean environment to monitor how much she's eating... but I learned after work that she and Betsy are a truly bonded pair of females. When looking at pet adoptions on-line you will often come across this term, and people will be hesitant or refuse altogether to allow you to adopt just one of a these pairs. If they have lived together for a while some argue they cannot live apart. My experience:
Lacey was just sitting there, very pathetic-like, (and Betsy was too, in the corner of her house) so I put Betsy in with her. They immediately started talking and wheeking, snacking on hay and pellets and rumblestrutting (which is this adorable hip sway accompanied by a low rumble in the throat - it can mean they are exerting their domenance or attempting to win the eye of a possible mate). It was absolutely adorable. I'm keeping them together so she'll eat. It's piggie love.
Lacey's mainly going for the hay but I'm hoping she knows what she needs - like when dogs eat grass or whatever. It was so sad on Wednesday night though, she was so bloody. They think it's a UTI but aren't ruling out bladder stones. They didn't do an x-ray but I have to take her back; so if the urinalysis isn't clearing up they'll probably test for other problems.
She's the chubbiest, I think she got it from her belly dragging. Females are more likely for that to happen. :( Here's a photo of Betsy... I like to imagine she even just looks sad here.
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