Gearing up for the holidays is a lot of work. I love the idea of staying with my parents for a while, eating food that other people cook for me and not having to go to work, but I hate the thought of leaving my apartment unattended for so long, or the long long long drive to and from Virginia.
I just stayed with my folks for the week of Thanksgiving. The food was excellent, and my parents are excellent. They love me so much, and I feel that I learn to appreciate them more as I get older.
Especially with a sick guinea pig. After several more visits to the vet, Lacey is napping on pain meds and I am pretty sure that thirty minutes ago she "passed the obstruction." We'll leave all the bloody details at that and I hope you can safely use your imaginations. I hope that finishing this round of antibiotics will clear the whole thing up.
As for Christmas: wow. I have a paper due Tuesday, a paper due Wednesday, a paper due Thursday, and then on Friday my students turn in their final portfolios to me for grading over the weekend. I'll be busy doing those until Wednesday. Any suggestions for a holiday party? I was thinking "ugly sweaters" or something classy like that.
Sorry I haven't posted for a while - this is just such a busy time of year. Hope everyone is doing well. ;)
For those of you who don't know about "bonding" between small animals, here's a story for you.
I had Lacey sleep alone last night and half of the day today in a hyper-clean environment to monitor how much she's eating... but I learned after work that she and Betsy are a truly bonded pair of females. When looking at pet adoptions on-line you will often come across this term, and people will be hesitant or refuse altogether to allow you to adopt just one of a these pairs. If they have lived together for a while some argue they cannot live apart. My experience:
Lacey was just sitting there, very pathetic-like, (and Betsy was too, in the corner of her house) so I put Betsy in with her. They immediately started talking and wheeking, snacking on hay and pellets and rumblestrutting (which is this adorable hip sway accompanied by a low rumble in the throat - it can mean they are exerting their domenance or attempting to win the eye of a possible mate). It was absolutely adorable. I'm keeping them together so she'll eat. It's piggie love.
Lacey's mainly going for the hay but I'm hoping she knows what she needs - like when dogs eat grass or whatever. It was so sad on Wednesday night though, she was so bloody. They think it's a UTI but aren't ruling out bladder stones. They didn't do an x-ray but I have to take her back; so if the urinalysis isn't clearing up they'll probably test for other problems.
She's the chubbiest, I think she got it from her belly dragging. Females are more likely for that to happen. :( Here's a photo of Betsy... I like to imagine she even just looks sad here.