I know that people typically "Spring" clean, but I feel highly motivated with my mom in town to go through everything. She's super honest, sitting on the couch with her coffee in hand; we started at 8 a.m. this morning because I couldn't sleep and she's an early riser. With The Today Show chatting away in the background I was finally ready to face the fact that I no longer wear the same size clothes I did when I started college a million years ago. Over the years I've become so good at deceiving myself that I even had a clear bag in my storage room full of dress pants that are my previous size, waiting for me to become a little girl again. There is an extra inch or two on my waist that - even if I were to lose it - doesn't account for the truth that clothes go out of style. There was no way those pants were ever going to come out of retirement.
The reason why I'm so motivated? Easy - I'm leaving for my Germany internship in two weeks and certainly don't wish to return to an apartment filled with things I will never use again. I think everyone needs to try this! What a great mentality! Pretend you're going to leave your home for three months, 6 months, a year (be as adventurous as you'd like), what items would you have forgotten about while you were away? What outfits will you probably not be wearing a year later? What is worn out/ doesn't fit/ in need of repair/ a gift that isn't "you"/ just plain clutter?
We all need to take control over what little we can.
Well, enough about that. Another reason I couldn't sleep is nerves. I'm nervous! In two weeks I'll be packing up my life here, spending a few days in my hometown, and then flying to another country to live. Was es das? I must be crazy. I'd love nothing more than to simply know how my life will unfold from this moment forward. I told my mom yesterday we should go have our palms read by this old lady in town who has a "psychic visions" place in her home. Not that I believe "Tina" could tell my my future, but it's definately on my mind to want to know. I'd like a little reassurance right about now :)
I applied for a job yesterday that would be an excellent fit for me at this point in my life, and I think that returning to school in the Spring (while I love school, don't get me wrong - I'd like to get 24 degrees like silly Noah Wyle in "The Librarian" movies) feels like a giant step in the wrong direction. I'm losing at the Mother May I game of life. Maybe just for asking I am tempting fate to send me back further, so I'll quit while I'm ahead.
Anyhow, whether you're going back to school or not, the end of August/beginning of September just feels like the right time for new beginnings. Take care to find yourself one.
Hello everyone - I know it has been a long time since I have posted in this
neglected space, but I hope you will all head over to our new blog (where I
13 years ago