I'm a bit of a freak about being tidy. And lately, I haven't been very tidy. I have a half finished scrapbook from my Europe trip (over a year ago!) in plastic drawers in the kitchen, begging to be completed. I have a sea of teaching books and literature readers in the middle of my living room floor wishing to be uploaded into Amazon so they can have a home that wants them. And I sifted through my electronics drawer - I have more cords and plugs and chargers of things than I know what to do with. I have no idea what they go to! What are they for? The trashcan by tonight if I don't realize their prior importance.The biggest hurdle I have, however, is a tiny stack of papers on my keyboard tray. Poetry I never got on to the computer to make sense out of it. And that's what I went to school for. And that's what keeps me calm. I've really been neglecting a lot by letting it pile up so much. I'm working on that today too. There's a writers workshop at the university I just graduated from and (thanks to an old professor pushing and pushing me politely to enroll) I need to have 6-8 poems ready by tomorrow and it's given me a goal and forced me to come back to it. I haven't written in way too long considering my need for it. That's unhealthy. It's a shame.
So why haven't I? I'd say I wasn't motivated but that falls short of the truth (by a lot). And I've been busy too: graduation, working multiple jobs as usual, spending what free time I've had with friends. I really think I forget sometimes how to take care of myself though. Quiet time and staying in and all of this "nesting" I like to do around the apartment has a purpose. It's like a built in mechanism for sanity. My favorite places in the world - the types of places I dream about and wake up to realize they were super happy dreams - are cluttered and interesting, full of so many things to look through and find that you never feel like leaving. Bubba's Garage is my store like that, although there are others (like Construction Junction in Pittsburgh). I want to surround myself with stuff I love. We can all strive to live in our own version of this place : http://www.nytimes.com/slideshow/2010/06/23/garden/20100624-chic-slideshow-3.html.
I'm going to start trying. I found a few new pretty jars. Here's my bathroom sink: body cream by Anthousa, Burt's Bees toner, antique prescription bottle from People's Drug Store, perfume samples (Curve, perhaps?), Dippity-Do setting gel, penicillin bottle that expired in 1963, antique Vaseline jar, and a lovely old Noxzema jar.
Hope you're finding pretty things too.
Hello everyone - I know it has been a long time since I have posted in this
neglected space, but I hope you will all head over to our new blog (where I
13 years ago