Other than that, I cut my hair, ran some errands, had a class and wandered through Lowe's for an hour. That pretty much made up for the car issue, although spending money isn't very fun.
I am so excited about my current projects. I love my bracelet holder! I used the same stain (since I’m making this a set) on a railing of some sort. Again, the cabinetry aisle is my best friend these days. Re-purposing those ideas really makes them stand out in new settings. I feel like I have so many bracelets I might need another, but I’m waiting to see how functional this one is first.
My stud earring storage is a little less unique – it’s really just a premade, soft wood miniature dresser that I’ve stained. I found it at Michael’s, but it took the color well and I suppose I really did just need tiny little places to keep them organized. I think having it next to the bracelet holder allows them both to look more natural on the bedroom dresser, like a set instead of one random thing I’ve created.
New storage item on the way, it might take a little longer to finish though, since I need a day to set aside to use a band saw. I’ll keep you posted.